12 hours (---- QAR)
Exam Preparation Courses
All levels
Mazhar Tahir
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Why GMAT with EduTec? - Enjoy with us International Standard Training - Updated material for preparation - Special interest towards weaker students - Interactive and live sessions with experienced teachers - Mockup tests as live as the actual environment
Aims of the Course
We will help you in the following:

1. Analytical Writing Examination
A student can score high in this section by following the below-given strategies:
a) Brainstorming
b) Drafting a strong introduction
c) Penning well-structured paragraphs
d) A thought-provoking conclusion for the essay

There are two types of essays in the GMAT syllabus:
i) Argument-based essays
ii) Issue-based essays

2. Integrated Reasoning
It is a new section that has been added to the syllabus of the GMAT. It is a reasoning section where data will be given in various forms.
a) Graphical interpretation
b) Table analysis
c) Two-part analysis
d) Multi-source

3. Quantitative Reasoning
It has a total of 31 questions, and the duration is 62 minutes.
a) Problem-solving
b) Data sufficiency

The topics that need to be studied as part of the GMAT Quant syllabus or the GMAT Math syllabus are:
• Geometry
• Arithmetic
• Elementary algebra
• Properties of Integers
• Ratio Proportion
• Exponents
• Linear equation
• Permutations and Combinations
4. Verbal Reasoning
The verbal reasoning section has 36 questions, and the duration is 65 minutes.
a) Reading comprehension
b) Critical reasoning
c) Sentence correction